Pauline Philips    07813 927756



Depression or low mood can be very overwhelming and isolating; leaving you feeling hopeless and helpless.

Depression can be described as a  natural response to certain aspects of living, loss, relationship conflict, illness, financial concerns. A protective Self Defence Mechanism, to protect from other strong emotions until we are ready to deal with the causes.

A natural response to the fact that we are living a life which is not in accordance with our real needs.

It is possible to make a shift t our of depression when we make changes to our lives which means we are doing things that we want rather than doing what others think we should do,. Or doing what others want us to do.

The changes involved can be a change of career, of relationship, behaviours changes prioritising one’s needs as opposed to not knowing what ones needs are. 

Together we can explore what realistic changes are possible and how they can be achieved.